Example 6. Simple morphology analysis

Simple morphology analysis

In this script, we load in an .swc which has 2 regions; “apicaldendrite” and “dendrite” declared in its .swc file, then look at its surface area, and how the radius of the region types becomes smaller as we move away from the soma.


I have not written tests for the surface area and volume functions, so don’t trust them yet! This is proof of concept code!


import morphforge.stdimports as mf
import pylab

# Load a morphology from an SWC File, and look at the surface area and
# volume of the different section types
testSrcsPath = mf.LocMgr().get_test_srcs_path()
srcSWCFile = mf.Join(testSrcsPath, "swc_files/28o_spindle20aFI.CNG.swc")
morph = mf.MorphologyTree.fromSWC(src=open(srcSWCFile))

#Look at the regions that are used in this morphology:
for region in  morph.get_regions():
    #print region
    print "Region: %s (%d)"%(region.name, 0)# len(region))
    print " - Surface Area: ", sum([section.area for section in region]), "um2"
    print " - Volume: ", sum([section.volume for section in region]), "um3"

# (Simple, but not the most efficient way to
# to this. For illustration purposes:)

def section_dist_to_dummy(sect):
    if sect.is_dummy_section(): return 0.0
    return section_dist_to_dummy(sect.parent) + sect.get_length()

f = pylab.figure()

ax1 = f.add_subplot("111")
ax1.set_xlabel("Distance from soma")
for region in  morph.get_regions():
    sections = list(region.sections)

    dists = [section_dist_to_dummy(s) for s in sections]
    radii = [s.d_r for s in sections]

    ax1.plot(dists, radii, 'o', label="Region: %s" % region.name)




Download Figure


    No handlers could be found for logger "neurounits"
Region: apicaldendrite (0)
 - Surface Area:  10869.4514114 um2
 - Volume:  19139.1050591 um3
Region: dendrite (0)
 - Surface Area:  7763.50517142 um2
 - Volume:  18081.195643 um3
PlotManger saving:  _output/figures/morphology060/{png,svg}/fig000_Autosave_figure_1.{png,svg}